September 27, 2017

XAPPmedia’s Voice Radio™ Self-Service Solution Enables Radio Broadcasters to Get on Alexa in 5 Minutes

XAPPmedia today announced Voice Radio, a self-service solution for radio stations looking to quickly launch a custom Amazon Alexa skill. Voice Radio is built on XAPP’s Voice Media SaaS offering for operating interactive voice apps for media across voice assistant platforms such as Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana.
September 25, 2017

Amazon Echo Presents an Opportunity to Retake TSL

Radio has faced a long slow decline in time spent listening (TSL) statistics even as the industry has maintained impressive consumer reach. However, the rise of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and voice assistants such as Alexa are creating a new opportunity for radio to start regaining TSL once again.
September 19, 2017

Download Now: Amazon Alexa Radio Report

To help the broadcasters understand the impact of smart speakers will have on the radio industry, we compiled data from several recent studies related to voice assistants and smart speakers in a new paper, the Amazon Alexa Radio Report. The goal is to break through the hype we see in news headlines each day and take a data-driven look at the trends and how they will impact radio.
September 12, 2017

Inside Radio, RAIN News and More Cover XAPP’s Launch of 100 Radio Alexa Skills Nationwide

Several media outlets, from Inside Radio to All Access, covered XAPPmedia’s announcement that it had launched over 100 active Alexa skills for radio stations nationwide as of last week.
July 19, 2017

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie Shares His Tips for Building Better Voice Apps

In a recent four-part series, asked a number of voice industry experts, including XAPPmedia’s Pat Higbie, for their advice on how to build better voice applications. Here is what he had to say.
July 11, 2017

Digiday Features XAPPmedia’s Pat Higbie In Alexa Monetization Article

A recent post in Digiday discusses Amazon’s approach for monetizing Alexa and its implications for publishers. The article cites how both Amazon and publishers are trying to figure out to a monetization strategy for the new audio channel.
July 5, 2017

Radio World: Broadcasters Are Getting Hip to the Need for Smart Speaker Optimization

In a recent article, Radio World interviewed several radio industry experts, including XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie, on the significant opportunity smart speakers can provide for broadcasters to bring radio back into the home.
June 27, 2017

Radio World: B100 Alexa Skill is “Bringing Back the Preset Buttons”

When Federated Media and XAPP launched the B100 Alexa skill, it became the first instance in which Alexa could find a radio station by its brand name through voice commands, rather than its FCC-assigned station name. A recent article in Radio World highlights this key feature.
June 22, 2017

9 Alexa Skill Best Practices for Brands – Report

Today, we published a report that outlines 9 Alexa Skill Best Practices that we believe every brand should consider when planning their next voice app.