September 4, 2019

Brands in the Age of Voice AI. Is Your Brand Fluent?

All digital interfaces will soon be conversational. Why? Because customers crave convenience and they want to be understood. Conversational AI interfaces give them the ability to […]
April 23, 2019

What Happens After Launching an Alexa Skill and Google Action

A lot of planning goes into designing and building Alexa skills and Google Actions. And, there may be detailed plans about the launch and how to drive initial consumer interest. However, we have seen few people give much thought to what happens next. At XAPP, we believe that Launch is Day One of your voice app lifecycle.
December 15, 2017

XAPP Helps Cumulus Launch Network of 300 Custom Alexa Skills

Cumulus today announced that it has launched a network of 300 custom Alexa skills. The XAPPmedia team was proud to help Cumulus bring its radio stations […]
December 13, 2017

WIRED: The Future is Screenless

Amazon Alexa presents an enormous opportunity for brands to connect directly with consumers in their homes. But creating an engaging voice-first experience also has its challenges. Ricki Harris of WIRED discusses this topic in a new article featuring XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie and other voice industry leaders’ opinions on why brands should embrace a screenless future.
November 7, 2017

How Are You Reaching Consumers that are Web Browsing by Voice?

Are consumers able to find your brand by voice? Gartner is predicting that nearly one-third of web browsing will be conducted without a screen by 2020. Don’t mistake this for other data points that focus on voice consuming a larger proportion of search on mobile. This statistic means that web browsing information traditionally conveyed through images and text will need to be delivered by voice.