March 1, 2016
XAPPmedia featured in Mobile Marketer for Slacker Radio Partnership

Mobile Marketer Highlights XAPP in Trend Toward Voice-Driven Engagement

XAPP was highlighted in Mobile Marketer for our work with Slacker using voice-driven engagement for music discovery. XAPPmedia CEO and co-founder Pat Higbie was quoted extensively in the article.
October 21, 2015

Video: XAPPmedia’s Pat Higbie Talks About Interactive Audio at Hivio

Earlier this year, XAPP CEO Pat Higbie was invited to speak at Hivio 2015: the audio future festival, in Los Angeles. Some highlights of the talk are included in the video excerpt below.
September 15, 2015

Podcasters: Downloads are Holding You Back, Embrace Streaming (Part 2)

Podcasting may be going through a renaissance, but a reliance on downloads for distribution now seems like renaissance-era technology. Part 1 outlined how measurability is undermined in the podcast download model. Part 2 focuses on how streaming actually frees up more ad inventory that can deliver higher revenues and greater audience engagement.
September 14, 2015

Podcasters: Downloads are Holding You Back, Embrace Streaming (Part 1)

Podcasts were born in a download era, but we now live in a streaming world. When podcasts arrived on the scene, streaming wasn’t an option. Today we have ubiquitous LTE and nearly ubiquitous WiFi. The high-speed mobile bandwidth should make it easy to stream audio such as podcasts on demand instead of waiting for a time when you can download a large file.
May 8, 2015
Wired Magazine featuring XAPPmedia

WIRED on XAPP: “Forget the Click! New Interactive Ads Want to Talk With You”

WIRED Magazine recently covered XAPPmedia and interviewed CEO Pat Higbie about the interactive audio features that XAPP offers. Writer Julia Greenberg discusses the XAPP ads that NPR uses on the NPR One and NPR News mobile apps and the technology that other companies are working on to improve the digital advertising experience.
April 28, 2015
Share of Online Time Spent, by Device and Content Category

IAB Digital Audio Buyers Guide Describes Media Channel on the Rise

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) just published “A Digital Audio Buyers Guide.” The guide is the result of the collaborative efforts of a number of industry leaders in digital audio. Pandora, Spotify, iHeartMedia, Triton Digital, CBS Interactive, Google, XAPPmedia and others participated in putting the guide together. The guide is a valuable tool for those in the industry tasked with buying digital media in a rapidly changing market.
April 14, 2015
Locked Screen While Listening to NPR One

Creating a Great Content Interaction Experience on Mobile

Recently, I made a presentation at the Internet radio industry’s premier event, RAIN Summit. My message was simple. A great mobile user experience requires two components: a great content consumption experience and a great content interaction experience.
January 5, 2015
XAPPmedia featured in AdExchanger

AdExchanger Names XAPPmedia as Innovative Ad Tech Company

A recent AdExchanger article emphasizes the uselessness of the banner ad format, calls for advertisers to change their mentality around digital advertising and lists 10 innovative ad tech companies, including XAPPmedia.
November 11, 2014

M&C Saatchi Includes XAPP Ads in Future of Ad Tech

M&C Saatchi's Tech Blog yesterday focused on the future of Ad Tech. The examples highlighted how advertisers are leveraging technology to reinvent consumer engagement through video, with 3-D banner ads, digital out of home (DOOH) and audio. Blog author Tim Spencer says the following about XAPP.