November 28, 2017

Infographic: 15 Voice Assistant Facts Every Marketer Should Know

Voice assistants represent a new channel to reach and engage consumers. XAPP’s market research team pulled together 15 key data points about voice technology adoption that every marketer should keep in mind while planning for 2018.
October 16, 2017

Talk to XAPP at NAB New York This Week

If you are in New York City this week, swing by NAB Show New York at the Javits Convention Center to meet Pat Higbie, CEO and co-founder of XAPPmedia. Pat was invited to host a roundtable discussion on Voice Activated Media and will be speaking at the Focus FWD Keynote Stage from 12:15 – 1:00 pm Wednesday.
October 11, 2017

CEO Pat Higbie Discusses the Past, Present & Future of Voice Technology on The Voicebot Podcast 

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie was recently the featured guest on The Voicebot Podcast with Bret Kinsella. During the episode, the pair discuss how voice technology has throughout Higbie’s decade long career in the field, from the introduction of Siri to the launch of Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa.
October 9, 2017

Inside Radio: “Alexa is Listening, So Should Radio”

“The key word, at least for radio, is potential,” states an article published today on Inside Radio about the opportunities the Amazon Echo, and other smart speakers can provide to radio broadcasters. In the article, Inside Radio highlights how a growing number of stations are creating custom Alexa skills to bring radio back into the home.
October 5, 2017

The Journey Christian Radio Station Gets on Alexa in Just 4 Days with Voice Radio™

XAPP announced Voice Radio™ just last Wednesday as a fast and affordable way for radio stations to get their live stream on Amazon Alexa. Within a couple of hours we had our first customer go through the process. The Christian radio station 88.3 The Journey became the first to use Voice Radio after our public release and four days later was live on Alexa.
September 25, 2017

Amazon Echo Presents an Opportunity to Retake TSL

Radio has faced a long slow decline in time spent listening (TSL) statistics even as the industry has maintained impressive consumer reach. However, the rise of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and voice assistants such as Alexa are creating a new opportunity for radio to start regaining TSL once again.
September 19, 2017

Download Now: Amazon Alexa Radio Report

To help the broadcasters understand the impact of smart speakers will have on the radio industry, we compiled data from several recent studies related to voice assistants and smart speakers in a new paper, the Amazon Alexa Radio Report. The goal is to break through the hype we see in news headlines each day and take a data-driven look at the trends and how they will impact radio.
July 5, 2017

Radio World: Broadcasters Are Getting Hip to the Need for Smart Speaker Optimization

In a recent article, Radio World interviewed several radio industry experts, including XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie, on the significant opportunity smart speakers can provide for broadcasters to bring radio back into the home.
June 27, 2017

Radio World: B100 Alexa Skill is “Bringing Back the Preset Buttons”

When Federated Media and XAPP launched the B100 Alexa skill, it became the first instance in which Alexa could find a radio station by its brand name through voice commands, rather than its FCC-assigned station name. A recent article in Radio World highlights this key feature.