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CEO Pat Higbie Discusses the Past, Present & Future of Voice Technology on The Voicebot Podcast 

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie was recently the featured guest on The Voicebot Podcast with Bret Kinsella. During the episode, the pair discuss how voice technology has throughout Higbie’s decade long career in the field, from the introduction of Siri to the launch of Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa. Higbie also details what he has learned from bringing so many organizations to voice interaction for the first time including tips on how to develop an engaging voice first experience.

But the main message Higbie conveys throughout the podcast is one of urgency. He believes it is critical for brands and content creators to develop a voice presence quickly as new consumer habits are already being formed around these devices.  Below are a few highlights from the episode:

Voice as the new radio preset buttons:

Radio preset buttons were the easiest way to access content ever. Until now… Now with voice there are infinite radio buttons, but we’re creatures of habit. When we find something we like to listen to, we want to listen to it over and over again. So, every brand out there, every content creator, their opportunity and their challenge is to make their brand one of those top five voice preset buttons so their listeners come back over and over again.

Timing is Everything:

Timing is critical because we can see the explosion [of voice] starting. I was at a show last week with Larry Rosin of Edison Research. He was describing how what he sees going on with voice now is like nothing he has ever seen in his 25 years as a pollster. And this Chirstmas season is going to be an explosion in voice. And because of that…now is the time to create a presence for your brand and get people to create habits around asking for your brand.

To listen to the full podcast, click here.


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