September 12, 2017

Inside Radio, RAIN News and More Cover XAPP’s Launch of 100 Radio Alexa Skills Nationwide

Several media outlets, from Inside Radio to All Access, covered XAPPmedia’s announcement that it had launched over 100 active Alexa skills for radio stations nationwide as of last week.
March 17, 2017

RAIN NEWS: XAPPmedia’s B100 Radio Skill Is “Startling In Scope and Implication”

Yesterday, Brad Hill of RAIN News wrote a glowing review of XAPPmedia’s B100 skill after trying it out for himself. The B100 skill was developed with Federated Media to provide a full interactive radio experience on Amazon’s Alexa as it offers three choices for listeners: live-streaming, on-demand listening and podcasts.
April 21, 2015

Watch Now – RAIN / XAPPmedia Internet Radio & Streaming Report Webinar

After collecting responses from over 300 industry insiders about the future of internet radio and other streaming services, XAPPmedia and RAIN News held a free webinar to present the findings. The webinar, presented by Brad Hill of RAIN News and Bret Kinsella of XAPPmedia, covered topics ranging from time spent listening to the future of podcasting.
April 16, 2015
Internet Radio & Streaming Report eBook

Industry Insiders Speak Out – New eBook on Survey Results

In February, XAPPmedia collaborated with RAIN News to find out what industry insiders think about the future of Internet radio and streaming services. Over 300 executives […]
March 26, 2015
Audio Streaming Growth Stats 2015

Internet Radio Ad Inventory to Grow 20% Per Year through 2018

RAIN News and XAPPmedia just revealed the results of a recent survey of audio industry insiders. For Internet radio ad loads, the expectation is growth in both total listening hours and ad load. When you combine growth in expected listening hours and increases in ad load, overall ad inventory is likely to climb about 20% per year. Let's break it down.
March 23, 2015
RAIN News & XAPPmedia Webinar

Join RAIN News & XAPP for The Internet Radio & Streaming Report Webinar

On Tuesday, March 24th at 2:00pm EST, Brad Hill of RAIN News and Bret Kinsella of XAPPmedia will be hosting The Internet Radio & Streaming Report Webinar to share the results of a survey of the industry. To register for the webinar, click here.
April 8, 2014

That’s what has been Missing in Mobile

“When I first met this company, it clicked in my head instantly: ‘That’s what has been missing in mobile.’ XAPP makes ads totally actionable, when the phone is in your pocket, or in the car dock. Here’s a way you can act on a sponsorship, but also act within the app itself.” NPR's Bryan Moffett.