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That’s what has been Missing in Mobile


NPR’s Bryan Moffett

Below is an excerpt from an interview by RAIN News with NPR’s VP of Digital Strategy & Sponsorship Operations, Bryan Moffett.

“Moffett described applications of the XAPP technology that include and go beyond sponsorship call-to-action. He knew from the start that XAPP’s voice-response ads had tremendous potential. “When I first met this company, it clicked in my head instantly: ‘That’s what has been missing in mobile.’ XAPP makes ads totally actionable, when the phone is in your pocket, or in the car dock. Here’s a way you can act on a sponsorship, but also act within the app itself.”

It’s that second piece, using XAPP’s voice-activation technology throughout the app experience, where Moffett’s thoughts go outside the box. He is planning a first release with basic functions, and a second release with broader strategy.

To read the fullNPR article, including a some comments on NPR’s  upcoming personalized podcasting app based on a Pandora model for spoken content, click here: Bryan Moffett discusses NPR’s plans for more personalized podcasting


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