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XAPP Ads – listen before you speak

“People just get it,” was my introduction to XAPP Ads by CTO and Co-Founder John Kelvie. He added, “and they immediately see the potential.” My first conversation with an audio publisher confirmed this. After a one-sentence explanation he said without hesitation, “That’s fantastic. When can I start using it?”

The easiest way to understand XAPP Ads is to listen to some examples. XAPP Ads start out sounding a lot like traditional radio ads. Then everything changes, because you can talk back. You cannot talk back to radio. Instead, radio ads talk at you in hopes you will take an action at some later time.

Making Audio Ads Interactive, Convenient

Click to Play SEND COUPON AdXAPP Ads take advantage of the microphone on smartphones to create an interactive experience through voice. If an advertised offer is of interest, a listener can interact with the brand instantly by speaking. It is convenient for consumers and enables spontaneous action. Take a look at this example.

A Simple Idea Delivering More Value

XAPP Ads have all of the hallmarks of a simple idea that leads people to say, “Why didn’t this exist before?” I encourage you to experience some additional XAPP Ad examples by visiting our Gallery Page. You can learn more about the different XAPP Ad formats on our Choose Ad Format Page.

The Internet Radio industry is growing rapidly and changing consumer habits around audio consumption. It is only natural that new advertising formats emerge to take advantage of the unique capabilities of the mobile platform. Besides, what’s more natural than speaking in response to audio?

Experience one XAPP Ad and you understand intuitively how voice interactivity can lead to instant conversions and make audio advertising more valuable.

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