November 9, 2017

Bravo Tango by National Geographic is a Google Assistant App to Help Veterans

We think about Bravo Tango as a voice app that matters and are proud that Nat Geo and 360i tapped XAPPmedia to design and build the Google Assistant app. Bravo Tango includes brain training and mindfulness techniques and exercises designed to help veterans better deal with the stresses that often remain after war ends.
September 27, 2017

XAPPmedia’s Voice Radio™ Self-Service Solution Enables Radio Broadcasters to Get on Alexa in 5 Minutes

XAPPmedia today announced Voice Radio, a self-service solution for radio stations looking to quickly launch a custom Amazon Alexa skill. Voice Radio is built on XAPP’s Voice Media SaaS offering for operating interactive voice apps for media across voice assistant platforms such as Alexa, Google Assistant and Cortana.
September 19, 2017

Download Now: Amazon Alexa Radio Report

To help the broadcasters understand the impact of smart speakers will have on the radio industry, we compiled data from several recent studies related to voice assistants and smart speakers in a new paper, the Amazon Alexa Radio Report. The goal is to break through the hype we see in news headlines each day and take a data-driven look at the trends and how they will impact radio.
September 7, 2017

SoCast and XAPPmedia Partner to Bring Radio to Voice-Activated Devices

****Reprint of Announcement Originally Distributed by SoCast**** XAPPmedia and SoCast have launched a new partnership to integrate XAPPmedia on SoCast’s digital platform for radio. This partnership […]
July 19, 2017

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie Shares His Tips for Building Better Voice Apps

In a recent four-part series, asked a number of voice industry experts, including XAPPmedia’s Pat Higbie, for their advice on how to build better voice applications. Here is what he had to say.
May 24, 2017

XAPPmedia the Only Voice Company with Official Recognition from Amazon, Google and Microsoft

We fully expect more companies will eventually be acknowledged by all the three voice assistant leaders. However, today XAPP stands alone as a voice assistant developer recognized by Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Those relationships will only extend our ability to stay ahead of the market and bring that advantage to our customers.
May 22, 2017

3 Questions Can Give Your Brand a Voice – Guest Post by Steve Keller

Consumers are flocking to voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home but few brands are ready to provide consumers with an on-brand audio expression. The implication is clear: brands need a strategic approach to their use of audio. This goes deeper than simply using sound as a touch point. It requires the intentional use of sound, designed to align brand intent with consumer perception.
April 17, 2017

Inside Radio Q&A with XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie

Inside Radio recently interviewed CEO Pat Higbie to discuss the impact that voice integrations and smart speakers will have for broadcast radio. His assessment? It's all good news for radio broadcasters.
April 6, 2017

NAB Podcast Interviews XAPP CEO Pat Higbie on the Future of Interactive Voice Radio

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie was honored to be a guest on the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Podcast earlier this week. Higbie joined host Josh Miely to demo the new Amazon Alexa skill that XAPP developed for Federated Media’s B100 radio station in Indiana. Miely calls it a “game changing technological opportunity” for radio broadcasters.