January 8, 2018

2017 Was the Year of the Smart Speaker, Voice Assistants and XAPPmedia

The biggest technology story of 2017 was clearly the rapid rise in smart speaker adoption and proliferation of voice assistant access into everyday appliances. XAPP quickly recognized the importance of this shift in consumer technology adoption for media organizations and brands. In 2016, we began optimizing our interactive voice platform, One Voice AI, to enable companies to quickly establish a presence on Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana individually and simultaneously.
December 15, 2017

XAPP Helps Cumulus Launch Network of 300 Custom Alexa Skills

Cumulus today announced that it has launched a network of 300 custom Alexa skills. The XAPPmedia team was proud to help Cumulus bring its radio stations […]
November 16, 2017

XAPPmedia Helps Jazz FM Becomes The First Custom Alexa Skill for Radio in the UK

Jazz FM yesterday announced it became the first UK radio station to launch a custom Alexa skill. XAPPmedia has helped over 500 U.S. radio stations launch Alexa skills that connect them directly with their listeners and we were excited to help Jazz FM start this trend in the UK.
November 7, 2017

How Are You Reaching Consumers that are Web Browsing by Voice?

Are consumers able to find your brand by voice? Gartner is predicting that nearly one-third of web browsing will be conducted without a screen by 2020. Don’t mistake this for other data points that focus on voice consuming a larger proportion of search on mobile. This statistic means that web browsing information traditionally conveyed through images and text will need to be delivered by voice.
September 25, 2017

Amazon Echo Presents an Opportunity to Retake TSL

Radio has faced a long slow decline in time spent listening (TSL) statistics even as the industry has maintained impressive consumer reach. However, the rise of smart speakers like Amazon Echo and voice assistants such as Alexa are creating a new opportunity for radio to start regaining TSL once again.
May 24, 2017

XAPPmedia the Only Voice Company with Official Recognition from Amazon, Google and Microsoft

We fully expect more companies will eventually be acknowledged by all the three voice assistant leaders. However, today XAPP stands alone as a voice assistant developer recognized by Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Those relationships will only extend our ability to stay ahead of the market and bring that advantage to our customers.
May 11, 2017

XAPP Introduces Amazon Echo Ad Monetization for Radio

XAPPmedia pioneered voice interactive ad monetization for radio on mobile and is now working with VoiceLabs to bring that same value to radio stations with Alexa skills. Radio stations can offer their listeners an ad-free experience or they can take advantage of XAPP Ads on Alexa and develop a new source of revenue.
May 4, 2017

NAB Insights on Amazon Echo. Claim Your Station Name Now.

I was joined by Jeff Gibb of Amazon and James Derby from Federated Media for a roundtable discussion on Voice Interactive Radio at the NAB show last week. The most common question was about how to get Alexa, the voice assistant on Amazon Echo, to recognize a station name.
April 13, 2017

Amazon Echo is Bringing Back the Preset Radio Buttons. Will Your Station Be There?

In recent interviews, I have said many times that Amazon Echo is bringing radio back into the home. Over 10 million homes have introduced Amazon Echo and Google Home into their kitchens and living rooms. Another 20 million are expected to add these devices in 2017. Gartner estimates that 75% of U.S. households will have a smart speaker by 2020 according to Inside Radio.