September 17, 2015

Adotas Q&A with Pat Higbie on Marketing Power of Mobile Internet Radio

CEO of XAPPmedia Pat Higbie was recently interviewed by Adotas regarding Internet radio reach.
September 15, 2015

Podcasters: Downloads are Holding You Back, Embrace Streaming (Part 2)

Podcasting may be going through a renaissance, but a reliance on downloads for distribution now seems like renaissance-era technology. Part 1 outlined how measurability is undermined in the podcast download model. Part 2 focuses on how streaming actually frees up more ad inventory that can deliver higher revenues and greater audience engagement.
September 14, 2015

Podcasters: Downloads are Holding You Back, Embrace Streaming (Part 1)

Podcasts were born in a download era, but we now live in a streaming world. When podcasts arrived on the scene, streaming wasn’t an option. Today we have ubiquitous LTE and nearly ubiquitous WiFi. The high-speed mobile bandwidth should make it easy to stream audio such as podcasts on demand instead of waiting for a time when you can download a large file.
September 10, 2015
XAPPmedia Advertising Week Panel

Join Us at Advertising Week – If Internet Radio is Bigger than Facebook, How Can Advertisers Make the Most of It?

XAPPmedia is once again hosting the premier Advertising Week session on Internet Radio. This year’s session will feature iHeartmedia, Slacker, Triton Digital and XAPPmedia. These insiders will tell you what’s working, what’s not, how the medium is changing and the lessons for advertisers looking to access this large and dynamic consumer audience.
August 6, 2015
Time Spent with Digital Media

Internet Radio is Bigger than Facebook. Look at the Data.

When many people think about marketing to mobile consumers, Facebook comes to mind. However, eMarketer data show that Internet radio is even more fertile ground. The analyst estimates that 12% of time spent with digital media will go to Internet radio this year while only 6% will be with Facebook.
July 30, 2015
Top 5 Internet Radio Advertisers Q2 2015

More Local Advertisers and Higher Ad Load on Internet Radio in Q2

XAPPmedia today released the Internet Radio Ad Load Report for Q2 2015 and the data show that both the ad load and number of advertisers rose over the previous quarter. It also shows that Taco Bell, GEICO and NAPA had the heaviest spot rotation during the quarter.
July 22, 2015
The Millennial Generation

Turns Out, Millennials Are Listening. Are They Hearing Your Brand?

Why do Millennials matter? There is a lot of talk in the United States about Millennials and most of it seems to be some sort of complaint. However, there is more to this generation than a different work style, a need for affirmation, and disinterest in owning cars or subscribing to cable television. This generation is big, commands a lot of spending power and can be found constantly on their mobile devices, including listening to streaming music.
July 16, 2015
Mobile Listening Percentage - Triton Digital

Triton Top 20 Ranker: Internet Radio Listening Grows 42%, Mobile Surpasses 75%

Yesterday, Triton released its Top 20 Ranker results of Internet radio listening for May. The story is consistent with previous entries by Triton captured by its audio measurement platform Webcast Metrics. As an industry, average active listening sessions increased 42.5% over May 2014 and most of that has come from Pandora and Spotify.
July 13, 2015

Adotas Q&A with Pat Higbie on Apple Music & Internet Radio

Earlier this month, Adotas published a Q&A with XAPPmedia CEO and Co-founder Pat Higbie. The questions focus on Apple Music and its affect on both streaming music services and broadcast radio.