January 22, 2015
Internet Radio Trends Report 2015

Internet Radio Trends Report 2015

Today we released a compilation of the most meaningful data and trends driving Internet Radio today. Whether you are an advertiser, publisher or analyst, we hope pulling all of this disparate data into one place can help create a clearer picture of Internet radio trends that are driving the industry today. Download it now!
December 15, 2014

Taylor Swift vs. Spotify: What Advertisers Need to Know

Taylor Swift leaves Spotify and takes her music with her. Ed Sheeran comes to Spotify's defense by contributing his success to its streaming services. XAPPmedia's Bret Kinsella had a featured article on Adotas today where he breaks down both sides of the debate, presents important data, explains what advertisers need to know and how they can benefit from internet radio.
December 9, 2014

New York Times Misled by Recording Industry on Internet Radio

The New York Times is not exactly known as the protector of big business. However, its recent article and accompanying videos on Internet radio takes the recording industry narrative as fact when in reality it’s a self-serving fiction. The article title tells it all: Grappling with a ‘Culture of Free’ in Napster’s Aftermath. There are only two revenue-free sources of music today: piracy and broadcast radio. Neither of these music distribution channels is addressed.
November 13, 2014

Streaming Growth is Not Undermining the Recording Industry

Consumers are voting with their ears. While Internet radio may have seemed like a contained novelty on desktop computers, it is an industry-changing phenomenon on mobile devices. Not only has Internet radio’s audience expanded rapidly to nearly 160 million listeners in the United States, but the monthly listening hours are growing at an even faster rate.