September 16, 2014
XAPPmedia Hosts Discussion at AWXI

Join XAPP at Advertising Week, the Evolution of Mobile Audio Engagement

Advertising Week is the premiere annual event for marketers, publishers and agencies to discuss emerging trends and what’s working in advertising. This year, XAPPmedia is sponsoring an Advertising Week discussion focused on consumer engagement in mobile audio. You are invited to the September 30th panel, but we have a limited number of free passes to the session so claim yours today.
July 29, 2014
NPR One "Ask Me Another" Promo featuring XAPP Ads

The NPR One App: Infinite News, Education, Stories, XAPP

Part news, part audio education and talk entertainment, NPR One provides for news and talk listeners what Pandora pioneered for music. Instead of selecting your news stories a la carte or being served up the undifferentiated broadcast, NPR One seeks to personalize the experience for each listener automatically.
June 19, 2014
Business Insider Reports on XAPPmedia

Business Insider on XAPPmedia: “[They’ve] invented a new type of mobile ad that’s so intuitive …”

From Business Insider, June 2014: "[XAPPmedia's] product allows listeners to talk back to radio ads when they come up on ... mobile apps. It uses an iPhone or Android device's microphone to let users actively participate in the ads, rather than passively listen — or tune them out."
May 15, 2014

RJI Futures Lab Interviews NPR & XAPP [VIDEO]

XAPP CEO Pat Higbie and NPR’s Erica Osher spoke with RJI Futures Lab reporter Nihn Pham in a recent video interview. Osher offers a perspective on how XAPP Ads not only help NPR’s sponsors, but also will be used to help listeners more easily connect with content. Watch the full video interview here.
April 8, 2014

That’s what has been Missing in Mobile

“When I first met this company, it clicked in my head instantly: ‘That’s what has been missing in mobile.’ XAPP makes ads totally actionable, when the phone is in your pocket, or in the car dock. Here’s a way you can act on a sponsorship, but also act within the app itself.” NPR's Bryan Moffett.
March 31, 2014

XAPPmedia Launches First Interactive Audio Advertising Service for Internet Radio Publishers

XAPPmedia, provider of the first interactive audio advertising service, today launched XAPP Ads - a proprietary technology and end-to-end advertising service for Internet radio publishers and advertisers. Developed for the ultramobile audience, XAPP Ads are hands free, eyes free, voice activated ads that provide a new solution for monetizing the growing Internet radio and mobile audio audiences.