October 29, 2014

Advertising Doesn’t Need to Fight the Machines

Many in the advertising world think of Big Data as a damper to the creative process and the cause of the "wind tunnel" effect. What they don’t realize is that Big Data is more likely to become marketing’s biggest ally than its mortal enemy.
October 15, 2014

Audio in the Car – Streaming, Voice and Interaction

Streaming radio over the Internet is bringing change. While radio has traditionally been a one-way communication channel, Internet connectivity provides the opportunity for advertisers and audio publishers to connect with listeners in real-time, two-way interactions. XAPPmedia has created the first method to generate listener interactivity that is simple enough to meet the special requirements of connected drivers.
September 4, 2014
Mobile Advertising in Today's World

Unpacking the Data on Mobile Ad Effectiveness

Sometimes it seems like the world of big data is really the world of abundant small and conflicting data sets. The proliferation of data sources has benefits, but it also increases confusion due to the multitude of conflicting data points and analysis. This problem is often compounded when people who don’t understand the data rush to publish their “insights” on it. The errors are simple, but they lead to wrong conclusions. Mobile advertising appears to be a clear victim in this trend.