September 29, 2015

Inside Radio Coverage of XAPP Advertising Week Panel

Inside Radio ran an article today on the Advertising Week panel organized by XAPPmedia. The article concludes that while Internet radio has expanded quickly there is still more room for growth and that presents big opportunities for advertisers. Quotes from iHeartMedia, Triton Digital and XAPPmedia.
September 17, 2015

Adotas Q&A with Pat Higbie on Marketing Power of Mobile Internet Radio

CEO of XAPPmedia Pat Higbie was recently interviewed by Adotas regarding Internet radio reach.
July 13, 2015

Adotas Q&A with Pat Higbie on Apple Music & Internet Radio

Earlier this month, Adotas published a Q&A with XAPPmedia CEO and Co-founder Pat Higbie. The questions focus on Apple Music and its affect on both streaming music services and broadcast radio.
December 18, 2014
Pat Higbie for MediaPost - December 2014

“5 Internet Radio Predictions for 2015,” XAPPmedia in MediaPost

XAPPmedia CEO Pat Higbie shares his Internet radio predictions for 2014 with MediaPost in an article published today. He predicts a lot of changes and growth when it comes to advertising in internet radio.
July 1, 2014
Rob Woodbridge Interview with XAPPmedia's Pat Higbie Interview – What Happens when you can Talk Back to Radio

As introduced by Rob Woodbridge of “Radio has always been one of the things that has been consistently ripe for mobile disruption on two fronts. The first is broadcast which is being handled by the likes of RDIO, Spotify, Pandora, Songza, iTunes Radio and now Amazon among many many others. All-told there are roughly 140 million Internet radio listeners that share their time across the new broadcasters. Not a huge global industry, but enough to warrant a rethink of the business and engagement models – which is the second piece ripe for a rethink. This is where XAPPmedia comes in.”