March 23, 2017

3 Reasons Why Radio Stations Should Launch Alexa Skills Now

XAPP is getting a lot of attention for developing Federated Media’s B100 Alexa skill for the Amazon Echo. You can imagine that the strong and favorable reception has led many radio broadcasters to reach out to learn more.
March 17, 2017

RAIN NEWS: XAPPmedia’s B100 Radio Skill Is “Startling In Scope and Implication”

Yesterday, Brad Hill of RAIN News wrote a glowing review of XAPPmedia’s B100 skill after trying it out for himself. The B100 skill was developed with Federated Media to provide a full interactive radio experience on Amazon’s Alexa as it offers three choices for listeners: live-streaming, on-demand listening and podcasts.
February 21, 2017

Alexa Skill Developed by XAPPmedia Named “Must-Have” by PCMag

Last week PCMag listed 23 Alexa skills that are a “must-have” for small businesses. Brand Haiku, developed by XAPPmedia, was one of three that made the list in their Marketing and Sales category.
February 15, 2017

Radio Ink – XAPPmedia Helping Radio Win with Voice Apps

XAPPmedia co-founder and CEO Pat Higbie was featured yesterday in an interview titled, "How XAPPmedia is Helping Radio Win with Digital." By digital, Radio Ink means voice applications such as those found in Amazon's Alexa and Google Home. This technology shift provides an opportunity to bring radio back into the home.
February 2, 2017

Amazon Recognizes XAPPmedia as Leading Creator for Alexa Skills

Amazon published a new webpage earlier today that in part highlights XAPP’s proven expertise in building great Alexa voice experiences for brands and media companies. The Alexa Skill Builders and Tools announcement was designed to help organizations find experts to help with the paradigm shift to connecting with consumers by voice. We are proud to be a part of it.
November 14, 2016

The Marketing Site – XAPPmedia’s Brand Haiku Skill Is a “Branding First”

In an article last week, The Marketing Site featured Brand Haiku, the latest Alexa skill to be developed by XAPPmedia.
November 7, 2016

Watch Amazon Alexa Meet Google Home

How long will it be before we have an Internet of Bots? Today’s video demonstrates that we aren’t too far away from that becoming a reality.
September 19, 2016

Insurance Company Demonstrates Amazon Alexa Skills Are for Everyone

Liberty Mutual released a skill for Amazon Alexa last week for its Safeco brand called Insurance Advisor. It also announced the flagship Liberty Mutual brand would have its own skill soon.
September 6, 2016

Amazon Alexa Skill Streaming Feature Creates New Opportunities and Challenges for Audio Publishers

Two weeks ago Amazon announced a new Audio Player feature that allows unlimited audio playback or text-to-speech by Alexa. This is great news. Previously, it was limited to 90 seconds which practically eliminated the opportunity for podcasters and music streaming services to reach an audience of 10 million Echo users.