Consumers Are Speaking


Engage Consumers with Voice AI

Over 50 million consumers are using smart speakers. Even more are now using voice assistants on smartphones. Can consumers reach you by voice? If you don’t have a voice app, your brand is silent in the fastest growing consumer channel today. XAPP can help. 

As Seen In

Full Lifecycle Managed Service for Voice Apps


All voice apps start with a design. What is the objective? What user experience do you want to enable? What features should be enabled? XAPP has been designing voice experiences since 2013 and can help create a design from scratch, collaborate with an agency or take an existing design and refine it.


XAPP has built over 1,000 voice apps on Alexa and Google Assistant. We have deep experience with the SDKs. We also have a secret weapon. One Voice AI is XAPP's voice app builder that enables faster dev cycle times and simultaneous publishing across multiple systems from a single code and content base.


Launch day is the beginning of your interactive voice relationship with your users. That is why XAPP provides the industry's most comprehensive managed service for voice apps. We monitor app performance, handle support requests and provide uptime assurance. We also enabled updates and UX improvements.


Every voice app should follow launch with learn and optimize. That is why XAPP provides measurement tools to track how your app is used, how usage is trending and offer insight into where you can enhance user experience. You track metrics for your website and mobile apps. Now you can do it for voice apps.

From Launch To Sustainment

One Voice AI™ is a platform that allows you to write a voice app once and publish it everywhere

MULTI-ASSISTANT / We are already living in a multi-voice assistant world. Presence just on Alexa or Google Assistant is insufficient. You need to be where the consumers are spending time. One Voice AI enables voice apps to be published across multiple assistants from a single code and content base. This simplifies launch, maintenance, updates and support. 

MULTI-MODAL / Smart speakers introduced us to voice-first experiences, but interactions are no longer voice-only. Google Assistant has a mobile text interface, Alexa has cards and both voice assistants are arriving on smart displays. One Voice AI supports visual images, live streaming video and more. It’s already a multi-modal world led by voice. 

AGGREGATED METRICS / By putting all of your voice apps on a single platform, it also enables metrics aggregation that provides a single view of all voice sessions regardless of the voice assistant used. 

Recognized By Leading Voice Platforms

Voice Cast™ is the Fastest Way for Media to Launch an Alexa Skill

Got five minutes? Launch your podcast or radio station on Alexa in three easy steps.

1. Enter Your Info

2. We Review & Test

3. Amazon Certifies

“We chose to work with XAPPmedia because their platform offered us fast time-to-market, cross voice assistant publishing and the scalability we needed to launch over 300 media properties on Alexa and Google Assistant. ”
- Suzanne Grimes, EVP Cumulus Media / President Westwood One

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