More Than 900 Stations Have Launched on Alexa with Voice Cast

Bring Radio Back into the Home with Alexa and Google Assistant

Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant already reach 20% of US adults and are coming to the car and office.

Smart speakers have reversed declining radio listening in the home and are generating new time spent listening (TSL) and reach to more than 50 million U.S. adults. But, you need an Alexa skill or Google Action to take full advantage of the trend. XAPP makes it easy to for radio stations to reach Alexa and Google Assistant users in the home and you get access to drivers and office workers automatically. 


XAPP is the first multi-assistant voice app platform. That means you don't need to maintain a different app for Alexa and Google. Our Voice Cast for Radio solution lets you fill out a simple online form and publish everywhere.

Voice Podcast

$29.99 / mo

Alexa & Google Assistant for one price

Customized Podcast Experience

Basic Analytics

Voice Cast Features


You can rely on an aggregator and let them control the listener experience or have a direct connection with your listeners. XAPP enables you to easily launch your own Alexa skill and soon Google Assistant Actions optimized for radio.

Voice Cast Pricing

Voice Radio

$69.99 / mo

Live Stream

Custom Welcome Introductions

Basic Analytics


Amazon and Google also offer very limited metrics. XAPP provides additional insights about listeners and can aggregate metrics across stations to provide a roll-up view of smart speaker based listening. New features are launching throughout the year.

Voice Radio Pro

$99.99 / mo

All of Voice Radio

Advanced Analytics 

Self-serve Ad-based Revenue


We’ve learned a thing or two launching over 1,000 voice apps. That’s why we put together the 10 Best Practices for Putting Radio on the Amazon Echo to help you get started on the right foot.

Voice Cast™ is the Fastest Way for Media to Launch an Alexa Skill

Got five minutes? Launch your podcast or radio station on Alexa in three easy steps.

1. Enter Your Info

2. We Review & Test

3. Amazon Certifies


Listeners only need to ask Alexa or Google Assistant to start your live stream or podcast.