Yesterday, XAPP announced JAX, a new service to help broadcast radio drive more mobile revenue. JAX = jaccapps + audio + XAPP Ads. Jacobs Media founded jacapps in 2008 and has helped over 300 radio broadcasters extend their audio experience to mobile devices. It is a robust mobile platform that both commercial and public radio stations are using to reach digital audiences on Android and iOS platforms. jacapps’ large network of radio broadcasters were looking for something new that would attract advertiser interest and drive mobile revenue, which XAPP can deliver.
How JAX will Help Broadcasters?
Despite a large broadcast radio audience, there is a clear growth in listening through mobile devices. The Internet Radio Trends Report 2015 shows that Internet Radio users now account for over 50% of the U.S. population and as much as 95% of their listening time is on mobile. Radio broadcasters know that they can either be available on mobile platforms or risk losing their listeners to other digital services. Many have used jacapps as an on-ramp to mobile, but are still looking for tools to generate mobile revenue. JAX will source the advertisers, deliver the ads and distribute revenue to broadcasters.
How JAX will Help Advertisers?
There is a growing audience of consumers using mobile apps to access broadcast radio streams. However, the market is highly fragmented which makes it harder for advertisers to reach these listeners through traditional ad buying channels. JAX will provide advertisers with access to hundreds of broadcasters’ audiences through a single service. And, it will include an Interactive Audio Ad format that is delivering consumer engagement and conversion rates over five times higher than other mobile ad units.
What Types of Ads are Available?
Advertisers will be able to take advantage of XAPP Ads interactivity that allows consumers to engage with offers simply by speaking. This is critical since most listening occurs when the phone is in background so the consumer cannot see the screen or interact with traditional visual display advertising. Using their voices to respond, XAPP Ads allow consumers to download apps, connect phone calls directly to advertisers, have coupons sent directly to them and more – without needing to touch the screen. You can see examples XAPP Ads in the Ad Gallery here.
How to Get Started
If you would like to learn more about JAX please fill out the form below. We look forward to helping broadcast radio drive more revenue in the industry-wide migration to mobile.
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