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Reach Your Podcast Audience Beyond Headphones

Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant already reach 20% of the US Adult population.

Smart speakers represent a new way for podcasters to reach tens of millions of listeners in the home. And, podcasts that play through Alexa and Google Assistant on smart speakers are also accessible in the car and through other devices. 


XAPP provides podcasters with publishing on both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for one low price. It is also auto-published to other English-speaking countries and can be accessed on both iOS and Android smartphones.

Voice Cast Features


The voice assistant platforms have limited native features suitable for podcast listening. Voice Cast offers session persistence and optimization in terms of playing episodes in order or biasing toward recent content. The option is configurable by the podcaster.


Podcasters may also want to roll up data across multiple podcasts. The streaming providers offers an overall view on podcast listening while Voice Cast can offer more targeted metrics based solely on voice assistant-based listening.

“Both Alexa and Google are going big on podcasts and we wanted to make sure LOVE SPORT is at the forefront of this new technology.”
-Kurt Edwards, Commercial Director, Love Sport Radio and XAPP customer.

Voice Cast™ is the Fastest Way for Media to Launch an Alexa Skill

Got five minutes? Launch your podcast or radio station on Alexa in three easy steps.

1. Enter Your Info

2. We Review & Test

3. Amazon Certifies


Pricing starts at $29.99 a month and it only takes 5-10 minutes to fill out an online form and hit submit. A few days later your show will be live.