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jacapps Webinar Highlights Mobile Audio Trends, ROI and XAPP Ads

In February, jacapps hosted a webinar that laid out five key principles for radio stations looking to monetize mobile. These principles are supported by several trends that make these strategies relevant and effective. They include:

  1. Don’t force old ad models on the new medium: Mobile is different and formats such as rich media ads with audio are more effective than banner ads.
  2. Embrace what differentiates you [on mobile]: This boils down to taking advantage of the unique aspects of mobile. Local is a strength of radio and geo-targeting can make this even more powerful on mobile. Also, enabling advertisers to promote their own apps for immediate download or interact with other mobile media takes advantage of the listener being on the device that can facilitate that action.
  3. Get credit through attribution: Mobile ads that include mobile coupons or “show your app” requirements offer a direct link between the promotion and the consumer action. This is also true for ads that you can track through to app downloads, video views and website visits.
  4. Linking awareness to action: Radio has always been effective at driving awareness and is typically the last advertising touch point before purchase. The reason you can get attribution is because mobile enables direct interaction by the consumer. When you combine awareness with action, it provides a measurable outcome for advertisers.
  5. Offer more than media: Many broadcasters are stuck fighting it out for the flat or declining ad budgets that are allocated by brand marketers to radio. Mobile listening apps enable broadcasters to access other marketer budget line items for digital and mobile and grow their overall revenue. This is presented as 360˚ marketing from on-air to web, email, SEO and mobile.

The presentation also answered the question of what new ad formats are helping broadcasters optimize for the new medium while driving consumer action, getting attribution credit and accessing digital budgets. The answer was XAPP Ads. You can watch the entire 12-minute webinar below where jacapps’ Bob Kernen digs in deeper around industry trends, the five principles and the benefits of XAPP Ads.

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