The Voice Interactive Radio presentation given by XAPPmedia, Amazon and Federated Media was one of the most popular at NAB this week. Drawing a large crowd, the 45 minute session was primarily a Q&A between radio station executives, Jeff Gibb of Amazon, James Derby of Federated Media and XAPP’s Pat Higbie. The Voice Interactive Radio round table was solely devoted to putting broadcast radio on the Amazon Echo. The biggest concerns voiced were about radio stations being able to claim their invocation name (i.e. what a user says to Alexa to start a radio skill), the role of TuneIn, and how to create a great listening experience for these new platforms.
We will provide a more detailed breakdown of the discussion at NAB next week. But for now we just want to congratulate the two attendees who were the lucky recipients of a free Amazon Echo Dot, Tina Sorenson and Michael Cardin. Thanks for coming!
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Pat Higbie of XAPPmedia, Tina Sorenson of Bonneville Seattle and James Derby of Federated Media
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Michael Cardin of WUGA, Jeff Gibb of Amazon and Pat Higbie of XAPPmedia
For anyone who is looking for an example of how radio can be brought to the Amazon Echo, check out the video below for a demo of Federated Media’s B100 Alexa skill.
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