From Mobile Marketer, October 2014: “NPR listeners can now use voice commands with a mobile application to seamlessly interact with in-program promotions and other media within the network’s system, increasing engagement with the public radio network’s brand.”
“After the user is presented with an editorial promo through XAPPMedia, saying “play next” or clicking on the banner takes him or her to the full piece of content through a deep link into the app. The experience, which can occur whether the app is in foreground, background or lock screen, shows how marketers are grasping the value of providing a seamless experience for users who increasingly enjoy consuming multiple forms of media simultaneously.”
“XAPP’s content promos allow more than 100 million Americans who listen to audio through mobile apps to access content hands- and eyes-free via voice interaction even when engaged in activities such as driving, walking, exercising or working. The technology simplifies the user’s experience by providing a convenient way to access content presented by publishers and advertisers.”
Read the full Mobile Marketer article here:
NPR encourages mobile listeners to multitask via voice commands