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Fast Company: The Future of Audio Ads [XAPP]

Fast Company today covered XAPPmedia in an article with the title: If You Would Like to Interact with the Future of Audio Ads, Please Say “Proceed.” We are always happy when an industry watcher suggests that XAPP Ads are the future of audio advertising. The article comments,

“Voice click is an inevitable next step in the evolution of downloadable and streaming audio programming, since banner ads don’t work any better there than the rest of the Internet. XAPP can back that up with data…”

The author, Tyler Hayes, actually received a XAPP Ad while listening to the NPR One app shortly after it was launched in late July. He goes on to suggest that XAPP technology could also bring great benefit to the economics of the music industry. To read the entire article click here.

XAPPmedia featured on Fast Company Co.Labs