Monthly Mobile Audio Listeners

The Data Piles Up – Radio Serves Ultramobile Listeners

Whether you are talking about terrestrial broadcast radio or Internet radio, it has become a story about ultramobile consumers. These consumers are typically listening from a mobile device, but more specifically the listening behavior is hands free, eyes free audio consumption. This may seem obvious – audio content shouldn’t require visual or manual attention. However, we see advertising models in audio listening today that ignore this reality.

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Mobile Monetization

Digital Monetization, a Challenge Shared by Terrestrial and Internet Radio

Radio Ink’s Convergence 2014 last week in Santa Clara brought together a unique cast of characters trying to answer the nagging question: “What are the best social, local and mobile digital strategies to drive radio revenue?” While many strategies were discussed around listener engagement and formats, the real issue that emerged is more specific. It’s about revenue.

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Consumer Motivation & Method Diagram for Advertising

Three Faces of Effective Advertising: Motivation, Method & Measurement

Marketing is becoming more data-driven each year. Digital channels, in particular, are oblivious to the sentimental hunches of advertisers. Data simply reports the truth. The goal of advertising is to drive consumers to adopt a product or service. Conversion either happens or it doesn’t. Breaking down the consumer’s journey of completing a purchase can better increase your odds of success. At XAPPmedia, we consider three primary elements that allow advertisers to capture new customers: motivation, method and measurement.

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Consumer Placing Phone Call

Phone Call Renaissance: Why Advertisers Want Calls

Some people think we are entering a post-telephone world. While there may be a lot of activity online, the phone call still reigns supreme for many marketers. Why do advertisers want phone calls? Phone calls are leads that deliver the highest conversion rates. It’s simple math.

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Why Advertisers Want Engagement

The need for more consumer engagement has become marketing gospel in recent years. Much of this interest is related to the rise in social media, but the concept of engagement has moved well past that domain. Whether it’s mobile, in-app, in-store, on your website or through digital advertising, engagement is often the objective. The question for publishers is, “how can you help advertisers with this goal?”

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RJI Futures Lab Interviews NPR & XAPP [VIDEO]

XAPP CEO Pat Higbie and NPR’s Erica Osher spoke with RJI Futures Lab reporter Nihn Pham in a recent video interview. Osher offers a perspective on how XAPP Ads not only help NPR’s sponsors, but also will be used to help listeners more easily connect with content. Watch the full video interview here.

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Introducing the Voice Click, Hands-Free Conversion

At XAPP, we recognize that the listening experience, particularly on mobile devices, rarely involves looking at the screen. More often than not, the audio app is in the background and not visible on the device. We present you the Voice Click, a new way to connect consumers to brands.

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