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Business Insider on XAPPmedia: “[They’ve] invented a new type of mobile ad that’s so intuitive …”

From Business Insider, June 2014: “[XAPPmedia’s] product allows listeners to talk back to radio ads when they come up on … mobile apps. It uses an iPhone or Android device’s microphone to let users actively participate in the ads, rather than passively listen — or tune them out.”

“NPR is XAPP’s first publishing partner. Since April, they’ve run a handful of the voice-enabled ads for local advertisers…We have been demoing this for agencies and brands and the reaction has been roundly positive,” NPR’s VP of Digital Strategy, Bryan Moffett, told Adweek in March. “When our test group heard [the call to action] ‘say download now’ or ‘say learn more,’ we universally heard them respond with ‘huh,’ sounding pleasantly surprised.'”

“XAPP’s team says they’re building the ‘voice-click’ for mobile ads, like a physical click on a website. While Higbie wouldn’t give exact metrics, he says NPR’s advertisers are seeing “dramatically higher” response rates when they use XAPP. For the first time, their ads can measure by a user’s actions.”

Read the full Business Insider article here:
People Are So Startled By A New Type Of Mobile Ad, It Makes Them Actually Say ‘Huh?’

Business Insider Reports on XAPPmedia