
About XAPPmedia

XAPPmedia® is the leader in delivering interactive voice experiences for brands and media that create direct consumer connections through voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana. More than 1,000 voice apps have been launched using XAPP’s One Voice AI™ software platform that accelerates voice app production, provides multi-assistant publishing from a single code base and is incorporated into a high availability managed service for media and brands. XAPPmedia was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. One Voice AI™ and Voice Cast™  are trademarks of XAPPmedia, Inc. 

XAPPmedia Co-Founders

Pat Higbie, Frank Raines and Michael Myers

Media Links

All recent press releases can be found here. Media coverage can be found here


For official XAPPmedia logos, click here

One Voice AI

Build, launch and maintain voice apps on a single platform

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